Publisher’s Weekly announced the following news:
“Thomas Nelson announced today the launch of NelsonFree, a program that allows readers to receive content in multiple formats—physical book, audiobook and e-book—without making multiple purchases. With NelsonFree, the price of the hardcover book includes both the audio download and the e-book. The first two NelsonFree titles will go on sale later this month. They are Scott McKain’s Collapse of Distinction: Stand Out and Move Up While Your Competition Fails and Michael Franzese’s I’ll Make You An Offer You Can’t Refuse: Insider Business Tips from a Former Mob Boss. Another 10 Nelson titles will be available in the format before the end of the year.”
For the rest of the article, click here.
It’s good to see a publisher taking proactive steps to meet the changing needs of readers. Too many publishers are stuck 10 years behind current societal trends. Bravo to Thomas Nelson for thinking “outside the book.”