Consider these facts affecting your book sales at this moment:
1. Amazon sells nearly 50% of all print books and over 70% of all e-books.
2. More people scrutinize your book on Amazon than anywhere else.
3. If your book’s Amazon page is boring or flawed, you lose potential sales every day.
4. If you improve your book’s Amazon page, you will increase your sales.
It’s not complicated (A + B = C). If Amazon (A) sells more books than anyone else and you improve your book’s Amazon page (B), then you will sell more books (C). It’s that simple.
How do you know if your book’s Amazon page is effective or faulty?
Most authors just guess, hope, and pray.
What if a world-class marketing expert reviewed your book on Amazon and gave you specific tips to improve sales? What if the price was so low any author could afford it?
After the success of my new video e-course, Mastering Amazon for Authors, I’m now offering a new service for all authors called:
The Expert Amazon Book Appraisal
Here’s how it works: I’ll personally review your book on Amazon’s website and tell exactly what is wrong, what needs improvement, and what is working well. You won’t have to guess, hope, or pray anymore. My expert analysis will help you avoid lost opportunities, regain sales, and make your book more attractive to Amazon’s huge buying audience. Choose from three options at any budget level:
Option 1 – Expert Amazon Appraisal
For only $149, I’ll personally review your book on Amazon’s website and send you a 2-page unbiased written critique within 72 hours that covers these four key areas:
1. Cover art and graphics
2. Book title and marketing description
3. Selection of sales ranking categories
4. Quantity and quality of Amazon reviews
Option 2 – Expert Appraisal + 2 Exclusive Teaching Videos
For $299, you’ll receive my two-page written critique as described above. Plus, you get access to two exclusive teaching videos that explain how to improve your book description on Amazon and secure more customer reviews for your book.
Option 3 – Expert Appraisal + Videos + Private Phone Call
For $399, get premium service by receiving my written critique of your book, access to two exclusive teaching videos, plus a private 45-minute phone call with me.
Are you a first-time author?
My expert appraisal will help fix costly mistakes that could kill your book sales. More shoppers scrutinize your book on Amazon than anywhere else.
Are you an established author or even a bestseller?
You stand the most to lose and the most to gain. Think about it. If your book page appears lackluster or has mistakes on Amazon, more people see those problems. Consider how many sales you’re losing each day. Don’t assume your publisher set things up correctly. Most publishers are too busy or too inept at marketing to set up your book correctly on Amazon.
It doesn’t matter if you write fiction or non-fiction, my expert appraisal will provide sales-boosting tips you can easily implement yourself. Selling just a few extra books makes this appraisal quickly pay for itself. It’s a no-brainer!
Amazon sells more books than anyone else.
My expertise will help you sell more books on Amazon.
Select from Options 1 – 3 and purchase your Expert Amazon Book Appraisal today.
Purchase Option 1 – Expert Amazon Appraisal: $149
Purchase Option 2 – Expert Appraisal + 2 Exclusive Teaching Videos: ($299)
Purchase Option 3 – Expert Appraisal + 2 Videos + Private Phone Call: ($399)
Please Note:
- Your book must be listed on Amazon’s website to qualify for an appraisal. If you’re still writing your book, click here to purchase a one-hour consultation with me instead to prepare for listing your book on Amazon in the future.
- If you select Option 3, the private phone call must be scheduled within 14 days of purchase during Monday – Friday between 10:00am – 5:00pm Eastern at a time that is convenient for both parties.
- Pricing above includes an appraisal of one book only. Multiple books require an additional fee. Volume discounts are available for appraisals of 3 books or more.
- My analysis does not guarantee that your book sales will increase. But, I guarantee you’ll discover if you’re shooting yourself in the foot and how to stop it.
Got questions about choosing the best option for you? Click here to contact me.