Just because you have a website doesn’t mean that it’s effective. Fortunately, there are easy ways to track if your website is helping to build your author platform. First, you can monitor tangible outcomes, such as tracking new subscribers to your newsletter, speaking engagement inquiries, media interview requests, or book sales from your website. If
Archives for May 2009
May Comparison of ECPA Publishers
Check out the May Amazon rankings for the Top 15 ECPA Publishers. This research lets you see both the overall CBA industry rankings, plus each publisher’s individual top 20 bestselling book list.Why is this information helpful to you? This is one of the few ways that authors, agents, and publishers can simultaneously see how a
Author Empowerment University
It’s time for a new kind of “summer school.” Rob Eagar is offering an affordable, group-based coaching service called the Author Empowerment University. Here’s the details: What is the Author Empowerment University? 3 months of advanced book marketing instruction taught by Rob Eagar. Group coaching with a minimum of 5 authors and a maximum size
The Reality of a NY Times Bestseller
Thanks to literary agent, Chip MacGregor, for passing along this great author interview with novelist, Lynn Viehl. I highly recommend that every author read Lynn’s recap of how she made the NY Times fiction best-seller list – and how little money she actually made. Her account will give you a healthy dose of reality about