Note: Amazon rankings do not reflect accurate sales figures and only account for a small percentage of a book’s total sales. However, they can help determine how specific publishers or book titles perform over time versue their peers.
Click here for an Excel spreadsheet of last month’s rankings.
For all of the previous monthly rankings, click here.
April Comparison of ECPA Publishers
Check out the April, 2010 Amazon rankings for the Top 15 ECPA publishers. This research lets you see both the overall industry rankings, plus each publisher’s individual top 20 bestselling book list.
Why is this information helpful to you? This is one of the few ways that authors, agents, and publishers can simultaneously see how a publisher’s best books stack up against their peers. For example, Neilsen BookScan doesn’t let other publishers see the competition’s sales numbers (only bestseller lists). But, WildFire’s free research gives ECPA publishers a way to see which titles are selling well on Amazon at 14 other houses. This data is also helpful to see which authors, topics, and genres are dominating Amazon sales trends.
Items of Interest this Month:
a. Top-Selling Overall Titles:
1 – “Lies the Government Told You” (# 32) by Andrew Napolitano from Thomas Nelson
2 – “The Five Love Languages” (# 155) by Gary Chapman from Moody / Northfield
3 – “Crazy Love” (# 163) by Francis Chan from David C. Cook
Rankings exclude the originally self-published title, “The Shack” (# 112).
b. Biggest Publisher Moves:
Crossway jumps to # 7 this month from # 10 last month.
B&H Publishing jumps to # 9 this month from # 12 last month.
NavPress falls to # 11 this month from # 6 last month.