This video is really funny, partly because it’s so true for so many authors. (Thanks to Chip MacGregor for mentioning it on his blog.)
Archives for May 2010
Is Social Networking the Savior for Books?
“Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.” – Twitter defined With the advent of social networks, such as FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn, an intense amount of hype has labeled these channels as the future of book marketing. However, as the allure continues to grow,
May Comparison of ECPA Publishers
Check out the May, 2010 Amazon rankings for the Top 15 ECPA publishers. This research lets you see both the overall industry rankings, plus each publisher’s individual top 20 bestselling book list. Why is this information helpful to you? This is one of the few ways that authors, agents, and publishers can simultaneously see how