Rob Eagar’s Monday Morning Marketing Tip is written to help authors, publishers, and organizations spread their message like wildfire.
This week’s focus:
If you want people to buy your book, product, or service, sometimes they only need one reason to pull the trigger. However, it’s your job to create that one reason and make it apparent.
For example, I wrote a book that has a page in it called, “31 Character Questions.” This list of questions was designed to help the reader determine the character of the person he or she was dating. I found that whenever I mentioned this list from the speaking stage or during a media interview, my book sales immediately increased. Listeners would rush up to my resource table and say, “I want to buy your book to get those 31 character questions.” My list was reason enough for some people to make a purchase.
Likewise, I recently attended an expensive training conference because the teacher included two months of personal follow-up in the event price. That feature was the primary reason that I chose to buy. How about you? Maybe you bought a pair of uncomfortable shoes because you couldn’t resist how good they looked. Perhaps you frequent a restaurant because their menu is the only one around that offers healthy eating options.
Marketing your message is usually less complex than you think. You just have to give people one convincing reason to buy. Here’s the secret: One of the best ways to create your reason is to understand what makes you buy the stuff that you purchase. So, take this week to create three common reasons why you’ve bought specific items in the last month. Apply that knowledge to your own products, and give your target audience one reason why they can’t resist making a purchase from you.
Rob Eagar announces his new workshop:
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