Rob Eagar’s Monday Morning Marketing Tip is written to help authors, publishers, and organizations spread their message like wildfire.
This week’s focus:
If you’re an author selling books or a business selling products, your customers are internally wondering, “If I give you my money first, will I get a return on my investment?” The return you provide could be increased knowledge, a problem solved, or hours of pure entertainment. But, it better be something that the customer deems worthy of their purchase. If you create a positive result, you will win the exciting prize called “word-of-mouth.” If you fail to create a positive result, you may wind up with the booby prize of obscurity and looking for another job.
What kind of return on investment are you confident that you can create for your target audience? Take a moment today to write out at least three distinct results. Then, examine if that information is clearly communicated in your marketing materials, such as your website, brochure, bios, newsletters, etc. If it’s missing, don’t let this week pass by without improving those materials and making your results apparent.
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