Rob Eagar’s Monday Morning Marketing Tip
is written to help authors, publishers, and organizations
spread their message like wildfire.
This week’s focus:
My wife and I are big fans of the organization, Compassion International, who helps provide food, education, and medical treatment to children who are stuck in poverty around the world. As a supporter of Compassion, we receive their quarterly print newsletter that looks like a first-rate magazine.
However, I’m most impressed with the incredibly emotional success stories that are highlighted in each issue. Compassion doesn’t gloss over the awful conditions that so many children face. However, their stories of hope and how they make a difference in individual lives is very powerful. The more I read these success stories, the more I feel a sense of respect for the work that Compassion maintains, and the more excited I feel to give financially to their causes.
How does this apply to marketing? Spreading your message like wildfire is difficult to do when you don’t have powerful success stories to share with a skeptical world. If you’re having trouble getting attention for your business products or books, then examine if you have adequate success stories that reveal the results you create for others. Examples can include case studies from satisfied customers, testimonials from happy readers, and endorsements from respected leaders. Once you have these elements, use them as a prominent part of your promotional campaigns.
This week’s action item:
If you have captivating success stories, look for three new areas to showcase them in your marketing materials, such as your website, newsletter, brochure, social media posts, etc. If you do not have any success stories, then I suggest making that a top priority in your marketing strategy. Contact some of your recent readers or customers, and ask them to describe the results you’ve helped them experience. Success breeds success, and one person’s story of life-change can be the best way to create another.
For an example of how to use success stories in your marketing efforts, take a look at these pages on my website: client success and client videos.
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