This week’s focus:
If you’re an author who desires a larger platform, it won’t happen by itself. You can’t sit around waiting for Oprah or Good Morning America to call. Platform growth happens through steady action over time. If you feel like you’re not growing fast enough, ask yourself at the end of every month, “Is my platform bigger in any way than it was 30 days ago?” Be honest and assess what’s occurred. Use the following list to examine signs of growth:
- How many new subscribers signed up for my newsletter in the last month?
- How many new Twitter followers or Facebook fans joined my social network?
- How many new speaking engagements or signings did I book?
- How many new media interviews did I schedule?
- How many new testimonials did I receive?
- How many new people subscribed to my blog?
- How many more website visitors did I receive this month versus last?
Are you putting effort each month into making these numbers grow and tracking the results? If not, then maybe that’s why your platform is stuck in neutral. Fortunately, these are easy steps that you can take and great motivators to help you stay focused on reaching a larger audience for your book.
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