During a consulting session with one of my clients, I discovered that they possessed powerful videos that showed samples of their products and displayed interviews with famous people discussing their material. In addition, this client had some engaging testimonials that explained how people appreciated their organization. However, if you went to client’s website or read their marketing brochure, you never saw these videos or testimonials. Instead, people had to signup to receive these materials by mail. In essence, my client had buried their best marketing tools to the point that most people never saw them.
Are your best marketing materials buried too deep? Unearth those valuable tools and bring them to light where they can make a difference. For example:
1. Display your strongest testimonials, video samples, and success stories on the home page of your website. Don’t put that information on other pages within your site and expect people to make extra clicks in order to find that information.
2. Don’t force people to register their email or mailing address in order to receive your marketing materials, such as a free DVD, book, ebook, or special article. Give away your best stuff for free with no strings attached. There are plenty of other ways to build your contact list.
3. Setup a page of free resources or “freebies” page on your website and load it with your most convincing content, such as articles, research, book excerpts, sample stories, background details, etc. Use the power of free to convince people that your products are worth purchasing.
Avoid burying your best marketing materials where they can’t see the light of day. Put them front and center in your promotional campaign. Your marketing efforts will never go dark if you highlight the best reasons why people should buy your book, product, or service.