If you read last week’s post, you know that I am quite keen on a book called “How Brands Grow,” by Dr. Byron Sharp. He is one of the few people in the world who has applied extensive scientific research and testing to prove what types of marketing ideas are true and false. He’s conducted research for respected companies, including Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Kellogg’s, Kraft Foods, Turner Broadcasting, ESPN, etc. Dr. Sharp’s findings have revealed that a lot of what is taught by common marketing textbooks and social media gurus – is absolutely wrong!
Dr. Sharp says that modern marketing is in a position similar to medieval times when people believed that the earth was flat and that doctors who blood-let their patients would help cure diseases. They were sincere, but sincerely wrong, because no one had actually tested their hypotheses.
Watch this short video interview with Dr. Sharp as he discusses some common misconceptions about marketing that we believe today:
Which of Dr. Sharp’s comments surprised you the most? Are you blindly believing some misconceptions simply based on what people told you in the past?
We all know that the world is round and bloodletting kills people. Maybe it’s time to kill some of our pre-conceived notions about marketing and let solid science show us the way.