Did you know Wildfire Marketing has expanded into consulting with large companies to improve their advertising strategy? For example, I recently worked with the CEO of a $100+ million retailer to help make their advertising materials more effective and amplify their reach to a wider audience.
I’ve studied the latest research from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, which is the world’s largest marketing research center. Their findings have turned the advertising industry upside-down, because they are proving that many assumptions people have about advertising are actually incorrect. I help my clients gain the benefit of this research and apply it to their marketing strategy.
One of the biggest strategic mistakes companies make is underestimating the importance of advertising reach. Too many marketing executives believe the myth that targeting smaller specific groups of consumers is the best way to increase sales. Online advertisers, such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook, promise great results by offering the ability to target ads to specialty groups based on geography, demographics, or tracking people’s Internet activity. However, there is a ton of corruption in the online ad industry. Worse, a targeted advertising approach can be the kiss of death for large brands.
For instance, Proctor & Gamble spends more money on advertising than any other company. According to the Wall Street Journal, two years ago P&G “tried targeting Facebook ads for its Febreze air freshener at pet owners and households with large families. The brand found that sales stagnated during the effort, but they rose when the campaign on Facebook and elsewhere was expanded to include anyone over 18.”
As a result, “Toward the end of last year, P&G began shifting money back into television.” P&G will still spend money on Facebook, but they “will move away from ads on Facebook that target specific consumers, concluding that the practice has limited effectiveness.”
If major advertisers like P&G can make mistakes with their strategy, anyone can fall into the same trap. In today’s economy, advertising no longer has to be seen as an ethereal artform. Extensive research is now available to help leaders make better strategic decisions with their advertising budgets.
As a consultant, I’m helping companies replace outdated advertising myths with proven methods that yield better results. A great way to get started is through my Free Advertising Assessment. If you’re the leader of company who advertises on television, radio, print, or online, I’ll review your promotional materials (website pages, email, social, print collateral, TV/radio spots, etc.) and provide feedback on the following issues for free:
• Strengths and weaknesses of your brand assets.
• Examine consumer connection to your marketing language.
• Review the effects of overall reach on your advertising strategy.
Click here to request a free advertising assessment for your company.