WildFire Marketing is excited to announce our new website (www.startawildfire.com/) to help authors, speakers, and publishers sell more books and spread their message. To celebrate our site launch, we’re giving away a new Garmin 260W portable GPS navigator for use in your car or on foot.
When a wildfire breaks out, GPS navigation lets people know how fast the fire spreads. Likewise, GPS can help you get places faster to spread the message of your book. Now, you don’t need to worry about getting lost on the way to author speaking events, book signings, or media interviews.
Register to win the Garmin 260W by visiting the WildFire Marketing home page. Simply signup to receive our free email newsletter. Signup today, because the winner will soon be selected on Tuesday, July 22nd.
Plus, every person who signs up will also receive an exclusive article from Rob Eagar called: “Marketing Mistakes Authors & Speakers Make.”
Note: If you have already subscribed to our newsletter, then you are automatically entered to win the contest.
Help us spread the wildfire! If you have a personal blog or newsletter, we invite you to tell your group about our contest and new website. Post this information in your blog or newsletter, then notify us at Rob@StartaWildFire.com And, we’ll enter your name twice to increase your chances of winning.