is written to help authors, publishers, and organizations
spread their message like wildfire.
This week’s focus:
Social networking is typically a passive approach to marketing, because you’re at the mercy of other people deciding to visit your blog, “like” you on Facebook friend, “follow” you on Twitter, or subscribe to your YouTube channel, etc. The problem with this passive approach is that you’re giving other people control of your promotional process. At any time, their online attention can be lured away by another author or book who grabs their interest. And, once people disappear, they rarely come back on their own.
That’s why I recommend including proactive activities in your overall marketing plan. You want to take steps to reach your audience without waiting for them to reach you. How do you engage proactive marketing? Use the power of direct promotion, such as:
- Send email or print newsletters
- Speak publicly
- Pursue and conduct media interviews
- Line up book-signings
- Write magazine articles
- Reach out to book clubs
Effective marketing includes a balance of both passive and proactive activities. If you realize that you’re being too passive, pick one of the ideas from the list above and make headway on it this week.
click here
© Rob Eagar 2011. |
Thanks, Rob, for giving me great marketing tips and tools that I can easily apply. I've co-written a memoir that we're actively pitching with no website. I know that's not good. And you've provided excellent tools for making this happen, step by step. Thanks for the Site Map for Author Websites and today for the Bestseller Website Template for Nonfiction Writers. I paid with my tweet! I met you at She Speaks and I'm looking forward to seeing you again at The Writer's Digest Conference. Can't wait.