If you want more people to follow you on social media, get into the habit of “leaking” exclusive offers or inside information that can’t be found anywhere else. By doing so, you tap into people’s natural curiosity and entice them to stay connected. For instance, if you’re an author, you could leak information on the following topics:
- Offer ultra-low discounts and special prices for a limited time.
- Leak sections of content from a new book you’re writing.
- Reveal lost chapters, backstories, and spinoff products.
- Give away limited-edition or exclusive items only available for fans.
- Tell people about upcoming events and ticket info before anyone else.
- Hold a secret contest with fans to name key characters or vote on your book title.
- Give “behind-the-scenes” access to your life with pictures, updates, musings, etc.
By the way, most of these ideas can be adjusted for any business or non-profit organization. People will join your online community when they know it’s the only way to get exclusive information. In order to maximize this process, though, you must be consistent. If you only leak special information once a month or once a quarter, people will lose interest. Get in the habit of leaking content at least every 2 – 3 weeks. Ask yourself, “What would make me interested in following me?”
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