We’ve all heard the phrase, “Never judge a book by its cover.” I disagree. You should always judge a book by its cover – especially if you’re the author. A great cover will spur book sales. A bad cover can kill book sales. How do you judge if your book cover is good or bad? Use these five questions:
1. Is the title so memorable that you can recall it and say it out loud a week later? (For the true test, ask a friend if they can remember your title a week later.)
2. Does the artwork look professional and attract visual attention – even from a distance or as a small picture? (Distance = Sitting on a bookstore shelf; Small = Viewing on Amazon.com)
3. Does the cover generate curiousity that makes people want to know more?
4. Does the back cover describe the book’s value? (a.k.a – What positive results will the reader will experience if they purchase?)
5. Does the back cover display a professional author headshot, brief bio, and link to your website?
You should always judge a book by its cover – especially when it’s yours.