There is no neutral in marketing. You must apply positive energy to build an audience. Otherwise, your audience will eventually dwindle to nothing. In our physical world, fundamental laws are at work which cause moving objects to eventually stop unless force is applied to that object. For example, if you put your car in neutral
Archives for February 2014
The Problem With Facebook
I hope you enjoyed last week’s funny video about audio books. If you missed it, click here. This week, we’re back to a serious topic that needs your attention. In January, Facebook quietly changed their system to try and coax more money out of your pocket. You need to be aware of these changes, because they
Hilarious Audiobook Video
I thought it would be fun this week to take a break from talking about serious marketing and publishing issues to pass along a funny video about audio books. Enjoy this clever, creative video. Back with the serious stuff next week.
Are We There Yet? Managing Marketing Expectations
Too many authors, businesses, and non-profits short-circuit their marketing success by mistakenly expecting perfection from every promotional activity they attempt. For example, let’s say you’re an author who decides to send out your first monthly newsletter. You put a lot of time and effort into creating the content and wait expectantly for results to happen.