Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking to a gathering of non-profit professionals at the Atlanta Chapter of the American Marketing Association. My presentation was titled Is Your Selfless Non-Profit Guilty of Selfish Marketing?
In my experience, over half of non-profits I’ve seen unknowingly use “selfish” marketing language on their website pages, newsletters, and fundraising campaign letters. No one does it on purpose. But, the negative effect remains. Self-focused language drives away potential donors and volunteers because their all-important question never gets answered, “What’s in it for me if I donate my money or give my time?”
Below are the slides from my presentation, which are self-explanatory:
View my presentation and learn how to:
- Develop marketing language that attracts people to your non-profit
- Increase a person’s desire to donate and volunteer their time
- Tell compelling stories that raise greater awareness with the public
Don’t let selfish marketing language hinder the selfless goals of your non-profit!
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