Successful marketing does not start with believing in yourself or your organization. It starts with believing in your results.
I’ve met lots of authors, non-profit directors, and business executives who are passionate about what they do. They have a strong belief that their book is great, their charity campaign is worthy, or their products are top-notch.
However, the problem is that no one really cares what you think about yourself or your organization. To be more specific, your readers, donors, and customers are not influenced by a belief in yourself (unless you’re the pretentious Tony Robbins). Instead, people are motivated to read, donate, and purchase based on the results they want to experience. Consumers operate on the principle of self-interest. How can you improve their condition?
Your marketing will be more effective when you focus less on believing in yourself and focus more on believing in the results you know you can create for others. If you don’t believe me, take a life lesson from this guy…
I laughed my head off! Thanks Rob. What you’re saying and funny guy demonstrates is very true.
Oh wow. Hilarious! I will definitely share this with my colleagues! So true!