After 10 years training over 400 authors, I’ve met a lot of writers struggling to make sufficient income from their books. I’m not surprised, especially based on the following statistics from Digital Book World:
- The average self-published author makes less than $5,000 from their books.
- The average traditionally-published author makes less than $10,000.
As you can see, there is little money in books. But, there I’ve found that there is a LOT of money beyond the book – if you know how to create it. Some of you reading this newsletter are struggling to make enough income from writing. For example, you wrote a book that never recouped the publisher’s advance. Or, you invested weeks and months away from your family to write a manuscript, but your Amazon ranking remains embarrassing. And, maybe your spouse wonders why there’s so little money to show for all the hard work and sacrifice that was given.
One reason why so many authors make such little money is because they hyper-focus on selling their book. Of course, selling books is any author’s goal – BUT not at the expense of pursuing other possibilities, such as speaking, training, and creating spin-off products. The biggest opportunity to make money lies outside of your actual book. Yet, too many authors are unaware or hesitant to explore these options.
You may not know that I created a simple tutorial called, The Author Revenue Ladder: A Step-By-Step Guide to Help You Make A Living From Your Writing. I wrote this 14-page instructional e-book to explain how every author has more moneymaking options than they might think. I use the metaphor of a ladder to show how various income opportunities are available at several different levels. You just have to put enough “rungs” in place so that people can easily climb your ladder.
My ideas are so thorough that you’ll be able to identify new revenue options no matter if you’re a beginning author or a seasoned bestseller. Plus, you’ll find ideas that work for both fiction and non-fiction. The cost is only $19.99 with a money-back guarantee. I designed the Author Revenue Ladder tutorial to help you:
- Identify at least 3 – 5 new ways to generate additional revenue.
- Spot income-earning opportunities you never thought about before.
- Wring extra cash out of the written material you’ve already got.
- Reduce worrying over finances and renew your passion for writing.
- Gain a deeper sense of confidence and freedom over your author career.
If you want to avoid living like a starving artist, or if you’re a successful author who is seeking new income opportunities, learn how to reach a higher level. Get the Author Revenue Ladder today and start climbing!
Click here to get your copy