The media industry has a historically careless attitude towards authors. Aside from Oprah, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report, most TV shows, radio programs, and magazines have no desire to help promote your book during author interviews. Yet, too many authors think they’re the exception. So, they’re shocked when they discover this attitude to be true.
For example, I know an author who was interviewed on a major TV show last month. That program never mentioned his book, didn’t show his book cover, and never displayed a link to his author website – not even a link from their program website! Thus, the author didn’t sell many books and was justifiably frustrated. In addition, I know another author who was featured this month on the cover of a local magazine with a four-page feature article inside. Once again, there was no book cover displayed, no website link for more information, and no increase in book sales.
Media interviews can be an effective way to get exposure for your book. But, that exposure is worthless if it doesn’t generate actual book sales. So, if you want to sell more books through TV, radio, or magazine interviews, you need to take a two-step approach:
1. Be Bossy
Only agree to conduct author interviews if that media organization agrees to help promote your book. At the minimum, tell the producer that you want a picture of your book cover and a link to your website to be displayed. Get them to agree in writing by email before your interview. If they won’t consent to this simple request, then proceed below to step number two…
2. Be Clever
Create a free resource based on material from your book that you casually mention during your interview. Tell the listening audience that they can go to your website to access this helpful material. Mention your website address a couple of times as your briefly describe your resource. This approach allows you to take matters into your own hands and politely promote your book without relying on the media host or producer to do it for you.
If you’re unfamiliar with how to develop powerful free resources, see Chapter 4 of my new book, Sell Your Book Like Wildfire. If you’re struggling to get author interviews in the first place, see Chapter 6.
Be bossy, be clever, and be the author who actually uses the media to sell books like wildfire!