As we wind down 2016, I’d like to personally wish a Merry Christmas to all of my clients, blog readers, and e-newsletter subscribers. You’ve help make this the biggest year ever at WildFire Marketing!
As I reflect over the past twelve months, I thought it’d be helpful to recount my six most popular newsletter marketing articles of 2016. For those who might be new to this newsletter, my list will help you catch up on interesting articles you might have missed. For long-time subscribers, consider this list a refresher on important topics to be re-read. Or, just consider these six articles as my own version of those end-of-the-year countdown TV shows.
- The Author Amazon Infatuation
- The Secret to Selling Non-Fiction
- What Wins? Controversy vs. Contrarianism
- Top 10 Myths Marketing Executives Believe
- Is Your Website a Decision-Making Machine?
- Adults Act Like Children Online
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
“2016” picture courtesy of amalkhosh via