As a columnist for Book Business Magazine, my latest article is entitled, “How to Grade an Author’s Marketing Ability.” Below is an excerpt with a link to the complete article. If you’re a publisher or an author at any level, you will find this information both revealing and essential. — Every publisher has endured the
Archives for May 2017
How to Create an Irresistible Incentive
What’s the secret to build a big email list? The Irresistible Incentive. Offer something for free that leads people to give an email address as a fair trade.
My Top 10 Marketing Maxims
My clients say I’m known for certain marketing maxims. For example, some call me the “value statements guy.” Others say they can hear my voice in their heads reciting my favorite marketing statements. I have so many adages that I’ve lost track. I hope the following ten apothegms will get stuck in your head, too.