As we enter January, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with resolutions and the desire to improve upon last year’s success or the lack thereof. But, sometimes the hardest part is placing proper focus on the right priorities. With a plethora of choices to market your message, it’s easy to fall into analysis-paralysis. Here’s 14 marketing
Archives for December 2013
Does Your Selfless Non-Profit Use Selfish Marketing?
During this holiday season, please join me in supporting charities that meet the needs of those who are less fortunate or struggling through difficult times. Some of the charitable organizations that I respect the most include: Samaritan’s Purse Compassion International Mercy Ships The Jesus Film Project The Salvation Army All of these organizations work selflessly
Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Wildfire!
One of the most beloved Christmas songs is Nat King Cole smoothly singing, “Chestnuts roasting over an open fire…” But, before you can enjoy roasting chestnuts, you have to have an open fire. And, in order to start a fire, you must gather together kindling of small sticks and twigs. Once you light the kindling,
Don’t Waste December
December is usually the time of year in business when activity tends to settle down a bit (unless you’re in seasonal retail – if so disregard this week’s tip). People go on vacation, organizations have their annual office parties, and everyone enjoys the holiday festivities. This quieter period also marks a perfect time to recalibrate
Two Factors Guaranteed to Turnaround Your Marketing
I graduated from Auburn University in 1991 with a degree in marketing. As you can imagine, I’ve joyfully celebrated their miraculous wins in football over Georgia and Alabama over the past two weeks. Many sports experts have said that those two Auburn games were the most exciting finishes in college football history! So, I’m pretty proud of my team. But, what does Auburn football have to do