I’m excited to announce a rare achievement in the field of publishing. For the past 18 months, I consulted with Zondervan Publishers to help revive sales of a classic book called, “Boundaries.” Last week, the book became a New York Times bestseller for the first time in its 23-year history! In addition, “Boundaries” made the
Archives for February 2015
How to Mix Marketing with Faith
There is a group of non-profits and authors, especially writers of religious books, who unknowingly hinder their book sales due to the belief that marketing is evil. They feel that a truly spiritual person would never stoop to the level of “self-promotion.” I’ve met people who believe that drawing attention to their work smacks of
5 Tips to Get More Bulk Sales
Last week, I received a bulk order on my website for 20 copies of my book, “Sell Your Book Like Wildfire.” It’s always nice to wake up in morning and see a confirmation email that says a couple hundred bucks were just deposited into my bank account. How did I get a large order for