What if all the hype about marketing books via social media is just noise? Social media may be here to stay, but are publishers seeing the ROI that they expected? To see how are publishers faring, let’s look at some eye-opening numbers…
Archives for March 2016
The Farce of Fake Amazon Bestsellers
There’s a strange marketing trend among authors that is leading many people astray. It’s a sneaky little trick that some authors like to play on unsuspecting listeners. You may have heard it before. An author will say, “My book is a #1 bestseller on Amazon!”
The Dead Giveaway of a Guru
If you want to learn how to ski, play tennis, or sing better, you seek the help of an experienced coach. Yet, when it comes to learning how to market better, some executives will listen to just about any yahoo who shows up with a fancy presentation, sporting hip jeans and a beard, or claims to have a big blog following. Why do we listen to people who have no empirical evidence or legitimate case studies to prove that their approach actually works?
How to Hire Good Marketers
It’s impossible to hit marketing projections if you don’t hire good marketers. In other words, your marketing plan is only as good as the people who will execute it. Leaders who hire ineffective marketers usually windup struggling to reach a wider audience, waste a lot of money, and wrestle to attract more customers. Leaders who
The Secret to Preventing Sales Burn-Out
Modern-day farmers know that trying to harvest too many crops out of the same field creates negative consequences. Over-farming can extract too many nutrients from of the soil, eventually leaving a field barren and useless. To maintain a good harvest, farmers will rotate crops, let fields rest, or expand their acreage to prevent one area