The media industry has a historically careless attitude towards authors. Aside from Oprah, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report, most TV shows, radio programs, and magazines have no desire to help promote your book during author interviews. Yet, too many authors think they’re the exception. So, they’re shocked when they discover this attitude to
Archives for October 2012
How to Increase Newsletter Signups
If you want more newsletter signups, give people an incentive to register. For example, whether you’re an author, non-profit, or business, you could offer a free article, special report, resource guide, recipe list, or short story that your audience would genuinely appreciate. Make that item exclusive, so that the only way people can get it
The Truth About Marketing Fiction
This tip is a sneak peek at the information I’ll be sharing during my instructional teleconference about how to excel at marketing fiction on Tuesday, October 16th at 8:00pm Eastern. You can register here. A survey of 21,000 book shoppers by the Codex Group revealed that the #1 way to attract people to a fiction
How to Market to 10,000 People
Last week, I attended the Catalyst Conference near my home in Atlanta, GA. If you’ve never been to Catalyst, the best description I’ve heard is “The Cirque-du-Soleil of Chrisitianity.” The event is glitzy, bombastic, and attracts a ton of people. The Gwinnett Arena, which seats over 10,000 people, was packed out. The event featured a bunch
Author Boot Camp at Writer’s Digest West Conference
Special Event for West Coast Writers for only $199! The Writer’s Digest West Conference in Los Angeles is offering a unique pre-conference event for authors who want to learn exactly how to make their books successful. On Friday, October 19th, I’ll be conducting a special 3-hour training session for authors to explain the most effective